Kot vodilni na področju obnovljivih virov energije si je zastavil svoje poslanstvo zagotavljanje inovativnih rešitev za shranjevanje energije strankam po vsem svetu. Naše stenske baterije so v ospredju te inovacije, kar kaže našo predanost tehnološki odličnosti in okoljski trajnosti.
Kaj so stenske baterije?
Stenske baterijeso zasnovani tako, da se brez težav prilegajo vsakemu stenskemu prostoru, zaradi česar so privlačen in prostorsko varčen način shranjevanja energije. Te baterije lahko shranjujejo in dobavljajo električno energijo v času konic ali izpadov električne energije, hkrati pa so estetsko prijetne.
Kakovost brez kompromisov pri inovacijah
With more than years experience in energy storage focused on quality control and technology advancement, we have developed our wall mounted batteries using advanced lithium-ion battery technology including LiFePO4 known for its exceptional safety record, long cycle life and eco-friendliness.
Za vsako baterijsko celico uporabljamo samo standardni material LiFePO4 razreda A, da zagotovimo najvišjo raven zmogljivosti in vzdržljivost skozi čas. Temeljit sistem vodenja proizvodnje v 26 točkah zagotavlja strog nadzor kakovosti v vsaki fazi, od pridobivanja surovin do končnega testiranja končnih izdelkov, kar zagotavlja, da vse stenske baterije izpolnjujejo najvišje možne standarde glede varnosti, zanesljivosti, učinkovitosti.
Različne rešitve, prilagojene vašim potrebam
Since different customers have varying needs when it comes to energy storage systems, offers exclusive customization services for their wall-mounted batteries. If you want specific capacity voltages or even designs that match your interior decoration style then feel free to contact us.
Podpora in servis, ki zajema vse
Apart from producing quality products, we believe in providing complete after-sales service together with technical support. Our team consists of dedicated engineers who will provide timely technical assistance plus training towards our partner engineers enabling easy installation maintenance operations concerning our wall mounted battery systems.
Pospeševanje razvoja obnovljivih virov energije
Our mission is driven by a desire towards global renewable energy development coupled with reduced carbon emissions. We facilitate individuals and businesses wishing to tap into the potential of renewable sources such as solar or wind by offering reliable innovative storage solutions which reduce reliance on fossil fuels thus fostering a greener future.
Za zaključek
The sleek design superior performance comprehensive support offered by these powerful units make them ideal for harnessing renewable energies while minimizing carbon footprints anywhere around earth’s surface where they can be installed easily without consuming much space at all! We are thrilled about this opportunity where we get involved with cutting-edge technology aimed at promoting sustainability within different communities across various regions worldwide.