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Telineeseen asennettava LiFeP04-akku

Koti >  Tuotteet >  Telineeseen asennettava LiFeP04-akku

New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms

Uusi energia 51.2v 48v 100ah litium lifepo4 akku kenno 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh telineen aurinkovarastointijärjestelmän akku älykkäällä bms: llä

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New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms manufacture
2022 HTE AIO ESS modulaarisuus 51.2V 2.5kwh 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh 20kwh 30kwh 40kwh invertteri kotitelineeseen asennetut akut
Onnellisia aikoja
HTE AIO - 2,5 kWh
Akun tyyppi
Litiumioni, LiFePO4
Norminaalinen jännite 
Tyypillinen kapasiteetti
50Ah / 100Ah / 200Ah / 300AH / 400AH / 500AH / 600AH
Jäsennyksen ulottuvuus
Pakkauksen malli
Normaali latausvirta
Suurin latausvirta
Viestintä käyttöliittymä
LCD-näyttö 12864
4 - bitti
16 ryhmää
aurinkopaneeli invertterigeneraattori tuuliviestinnän tukiasema
Arvioitu paino
Syklin käyttöikä (lämpötilassa 0.2C 80% DoD)
>6000 kertaa
Lataus: 0 °C ~ 45 °C / purkaus: -20 °C ~ 60 °C (RH 10% ~ 90% ei tiivistymistä)
15 °C ~ 25 °C  180 päivää / 0 °C ~ 35 °C 90 päivää / -20 °C ~ 45 °C 30 päivää (RH 10% ~ 90% Ei tiivistymistä)
12 vuotta
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms manufacture
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms manufacture
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms manufacture
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms factory
New Energy 51.2v 48v 100ah Lithium Lifepo4 Battery Pack Cell 5kwh 10kwh 15kwh Rack Solar Storage System Battery With Smart Bms details


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