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SLA-vervanging LiFePO4-battery

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Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage

Deep Cycle 12v loodsuurvervangingsbattery 100ah 200ah litium lifepo4 silindriese batterysel met bms huisberging

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Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage
Produkte Beskrywing
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage manufacture
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage manufacture
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage details
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage supplier
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage supplier
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage factory
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage supplier
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage factory
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage factory
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage supplier
Belangrikste kenmerke
1.'n Graad Lifepo4-selle, Die lewensduur kan meer as 8 jaar bereik.

2. Ondersteun OEM / ODM, hou van LCD-skerm / Bluetooth-beheer.

3.Ingeboude BMS, laaibeskerming, ontladingsbeskerming, oorstroombeskerming, temperatuurbeskerming, kortsluitbeskerming.

4.Uitbreidbare spanning en kapasiteit, ondersteun 4 batterypakke in serie (51.2V), 4 battery
pakke parallel (12.8v 400Ah).

5.Kan loodsuurbatterye, ligte gewig, hoë energiedigtheid heeltemal vervang, ondersteun 0-70 °C omgewingsontlading.
Produk Naam
12v 100Ah lifepo4 litiumioonbattery
Battery tipe
3.2V lifepo4 sel
Nominale krag
Nominale spanning
Nominale kapasiteit
Standaard lading stroom
Standaard ontladingsstroom
Maksimum laai stroom
Maksimum ontladingsstroom
12 Jaar
Operasionele temperatuur
Lading: 0 ~ 45 ° C
Ontslag: -20 ~ 60 ° C
Plek van oorsprong
KwaZulu-Natal, China
Sonenergiebergingstelsels, ononderbroke kragbronne, e-fiets, e-bromponie, huiselektrisiteit, elektriese voertuig, gholfkarretjie.....
♦ Son-windkragstelsel
♦ Kraggereedskap: elektriese bore, speelgoed Energieberging
♦ Stadsrooster (aan / af) rugsteun sonnestelsel en UPS
♦ Sekuriteit en elektronika, mobiele POS, mynbou Lihgt / fakkel / LED-lig / noodlig
♦ Telcom Base, CATV-stelsel, rekenaarbedienersentrum, mediese instrumnt, militêre toerusting Ander toepassings
♦ Kommersiële bus en vervoer: E-motor, E-bus, gholf troller / motor, E-fiets, bromponie, RV, AGV, Marine, Toeriste motor, Karavaan, Wiel
stoel, E-vragmotor, E-sweeper, Vloer skoonmaker, E-walker ens.
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage manufacture
Maatskappy profiel
Belangrikste produkte:Power wall Battery,Lithium Battery Pack,Solar Battery,Solar Energy System

Shenzhen Happy Times New Energy Co,Ltd. ("Happy Times") is 'n geïntegreerde energiegroep wat spesialiseer in skoon en nuwe energie op PV son- en litiumioonbatteryprodukte. Sedert sy stigting is Happy Times toegewy aan "groen krag na die wêreld bring" deur uitstaande energie en dienste te verskaf. Happy Times streef daarna om die mees gerespekteerde internasionale skoon energiegroep te wees deur innovasies en sy voortdurende strewe na uitnemendheid. Happy Times ENERGY het 'n korporatiewe filosofie gehandhaaf wat gekenmerk word deur entrepreneurskap, innovasie, mededinging en transendensie. Vandag het Happy Times 'n stewige grondslag in twee groot nywerhede gevestig: fotovoltaïese en litium, met sy vier produksie. Deur jare se ontwikkeling en ervare internasionale verkoopspan in Shenzhen, Happy Times ENERGY groen son- en litiumbatteryprodukte is aan kliënte regoor die wêreld verkoop.

· Krag stoor muur
· LiFePO4 batterybergingstelsel
· Krag stoor baksteen
· Lewenspo4-battery met 'n hoë spanning
· Sonenergiestelsels
· LiFePO4 Battery Sel
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage factory
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage manufacture
Ons Dienste
100% voor verskepingstoetsing, stabiele en betroubare langtermyngehalte.
Om die wêreldsamewerking te verwelkom, aanvaar ons OEM met u logo-ontwerp!

1. Fabrieksprys
2. Na verkope en gehalteversekering
3. Mees veilige LFP-batterytegnologie, geen kobalt nie.
4. Lang leeftyd
5. Maklik uitbreidbaar
6. Vervang maklik die oorspronklike loodsuurbattery .
7. Self-ontwerpte BMS
8. Kortsluiting / Oorstroom / Oorspanning/ Oor temperatuurbeskerming .
9.APP op aanvraag beskikbaar om die status van die battery te sien.
10. OEM-logo beskikbaar.

Normaalweg aflewering binne 7-20 dae, maar kan vooraf reël as bestelling bevestig of vinniger produseer volgens kwantiteit of ander rede.
1.Ons aanvaar T/T, PayPal, Western Union, Cash ensovoorts. & Handelsversekeringsbevel
2. FOB, EXW en CIF is almal beskikbaar
3. Monsters kan PayPal aanvaar
4. As u die handelsversekeringsbevel op Alibaba, kan ons ook kredietkaart (VISA, Master Card), e-checking aanvaar.
Gestuur manier:
DHL, UPS, Fedex, Spesiale lyn, seevaart, kliënt eie expediteur

Span skou

Ons het 'n volwasse verkoopspan.2 bestuurders wat meer as 20 jaar ondervinding in die batterybedryf het. Batteryverkope het verlede jaar RMB 400 miljoen oorskry. So, ons het die vertroue en vermoë om jou van kwaliteit dienste en goedere te voorsien, welkom om ons te raadpleeg!
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage factory
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage supplier
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage factory
Pak en aflewering
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage factory
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage details
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage details
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage details
Deep Cycle 12v lead acid replacement battery 100ah 200ah lithium lifepo4 cylindrical battery cell with bms home storage details
1. Wie is ons?
Ons is gevestig in Guangdong, China, begin vanaf 2011, verkoop aan Noord-Amerika (20.00%), Suid-Asië (20.00%),Wes-Europa (25.00%),Oos-Asië (10.00%),Binnelandse Mark(7.00%),Oos-Europa(6.00%),Suid-Amerika (5.00%),Midde-Ooste (5.00%),Noord-Europa(2.00%), Daar is totaal ongeveer 400-500 mense in ons fabriek.

2. Hoe kan ons kwaliteit waarborg?
Altyd 'n voorproduksiemonster voor massaproduksie; Altyd finale inspeksie voor versending; Ons waarborg is 12 jaar.

3.Wat kan jy by ons koop?
LiFePo4-battery, energiebergingsbattery, gholfkarretjiebattery, EBike-battery, draagbare kragstasie

4. Hoekom moet jy by ons koop, nie by ander verskaffers nie?
Shenzhen Happy Times New Energy Co, Ltd is 'n professionele energieverskaffer in China wat fokus op die vervaardiging, navorsing en verkoop van litiumioonbatteryprodukte. Dit is in 2010 gestig en word die voorste speler deur verskeie jare ontwikkeling

5. Watter dienste kan ons lewer?
Aanvaarde afleweringsvoorwaardes: FOB, CIF, EXW, uitdruklike aflewering;
Aanvaarde betalingsgeldeenheid: USD, EUR, CAD, HKD, CNY;
Aanvaarde betalingstipe: T / T, L / C, kredietkaart, PayPal, Western Union, kontant;
Taal gepraat:Engels,Chinees


Maatskappy se naam*

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